⭐️⭐️⭐️DTF TRANSFERS⭐️⭐️⭐️
We will be printing images that we will have available for you to come by and purchase in store or on our website. These images will depend on season, holiday, or just what’s popular at the time.
The prints will be all ready for you to take home and press yourself onto almost any fabric (100% cotton included).
Prices are as follows:
Infant 3” $4.00
Toddler 5” $5.00
Youth 8” $5.25
Adult 11” $5.50
Suggested Pressing Instructions:
-Set your press to 325
-Prepress your garment for 5 seconds
-Apply your print to the exact location desired and cover with blowout paper (parchment or butcher)
-Press for 20 seconds
-Let the garment completely cool
-Remove print slowly
-Repress for 5 seconds if desired (using blowout paper).
As all heat presses are different, we are only giving suggested time and temp. We can not be held responsible if your items are less than perfect.